
The e-TAULER is a certified publishing tool with manual and automatic actions associated with managing ads, depending on their state and user profile . This is the flow of states and possible actions depending on the role you have:

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Ads managed in e-TAULER can be found in the following states:

  • Draft : The ad is in the process of being created by a user with the Publisher profile before being submitted for validation.
  • By the way : the ad is waiting to be validated and sent to be published by a user with the Publisher profile.
  • Scheduled : The ad has been validated, submitted for publication and is awaiting publication, based on the scheduled exposure start date.
  • Published : the advertisement is exposed on the citizen portal and remains visible during the exposure period that has been scheduled, until its automatic or manual removal.
  • Withdrawn : the ad is no longer visible on the citizen portal, either because its previously scheduled public display has expired, or because it has been removed prematurely by a user with the Remove role.

In this context, the status change actions that can be carried out in the eTAULER will always depend on the profile or role that the user has.

It should be noted that of all the possible actions, there is no possibility to undo an ad in Published status in order to return it to Draft status. If an already Published ad contains an error, it must be withdrawn using the Withdraw role and republished from scratch.

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