
The second configuration tab is the Classification Criteria tab.
The classification elements of the e-TAULER service allow you to organize your ads using a logical hierarchical structure, so that they can be easily sorted and located when they are published and archived.

Up to three classification elements can be activated and customized, which by default are named as follows:
1. Classification 1 (default Document type is proposed)
2. Classification 2 (default proposed Subjects)
3. Provenance
Except for Provenance, classification items are optional; that is, it may or may not be activated.
The title of these classifications can also be edited and modified according to the user's preferences.
By clicking on the pencil icon we can enter the name in the languages that are activated in the general settings:

In the event that a translation into the above languages is not proposed, the default Catalan name is used.
Each of these classifications has two hierarchical levels of categorization: the Categories and, optionally, their corresponding Subcategories respectively. In the event of a few ads being published or not, you may choose not to use the second level of ranking in the subcategories.

The Aranese and Spanish versions of the categories and subcategories can be accessed using the Show in drop-down list, if these languages have been activated in the general settings:

If the category or subcategory has not been translated, it appears by default in Catalan followed by the warning “(Pending translation)”.
With the button with a cross-shaped icon, new categories and subcategories can be added in the languages that have been activated.

If you want to modify any of the existing categories or subcategories in any of the enabled languages, just hover over them and choose the pencil icon ( Edit ) or the blade icon ( Delete ):

IMPORTANT: Provenance is the only one of the three classification elements whose activation is not optional in the configuration. It cannot be deactivated as advertisements from other public administrations received through EACAT are always classified by default with their external origin as a category and with the name of the entity issuing the advertisement as subcategory. If no category is created and activated in any of the three ranking elements available, when a new ad is created in the management environment, we will only be able to classify the ad by its external source.
Once the announcements have been published, the classification elements are also reflected on the e-TAULER citizen service portal.

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