The Transmission of Edicts is enabled for the following types of entities adhering to the EACAT:

  • The City Councils (with the exception of Barcelona City Council).
  • The County Councils.
  • The Provincial Councils.
  • The Generalitat of Catalonia: Departments and other dependent entities registered in e-TAULER.
  • Entities that, despite not belonging to the three typologies described, have obtained their registration in e-TAULER and/or will obtain it in the future.

All users of the EACAT registered to any of the entities belonging to the types detailed above will be able to use the sending of edicts. It will not be necessary for them to be authorized by the manager of their institution in EACAT, but they must always and in each case sign the shipment with their digital certificate (T-CAT).

The Sending of Edicts will allow the mentioned users to send announcements to any of the entities belonging to the indicated types, which will have to manage their publication in a different way, all depending on the following assumptions:

  1. If they are members of the electronic panel of the AOC Consortium ( e-TAULER ) they must:
    1. Validate and publish the announcement that arrives in draft form in the e-TAULER .
    2. When the announcement is withdrawn, the diligence is automatically sent back to the issuing entity.
  2. If they are users of an electronic panel other than the e-TAULER they must:
    1. Download the announcement that you receive in electronic format through EACAT .
    2. Publish it in electronic format on your own electronic board.
    3. Once withdrawn, make a response diligence using the form enabled in the EACAT for that purpose, sign it and send it.
  3. If they are entities that do not have an electronic board, but a physical board on which the advertisements are published in paper format, they must:
    1. Download the announcement that you receive in electronic format through EACAT .
    2. print it
    3. Publish it in paper format on your physical board.
    4. Once the ad has been removed, make a reply request using the form enabled in EACAT for that purpose, sign it and send it.

The following document explains the new functionalities that the AOC Consortium makes available to users of this application so that they can carry out the tasks mentioned above: -base/guide-of-the-dedicated-inter-administrative-transmission/