Pursuant to Article 30.2 of Law 39/2015, from October 2, 2016 all Saturdays will appear defined as such by default in the e-TAULER calendar of non-working days available in the general configuration of this service in EACAT (see User Manual , point 6.1.2).

However, it should be borne in mind that in accordance with the third transitional provision of Law 39/2015, the procedures initiated before its entry into force will not be applicable to this Law, but to the previous regulations; that is to say, Law 30/1992. As is known, according to art. 48.1 of Law 30/1992 when the deadlines are indicated by days, these will be days, while excluding from their calculation only Sundays and holidays.

Therefore, in the context mentioned above, when, according to the specific case, one of us determines that Saturdays must be working days, he will have to add in the calculation of the publication period of his/her announcement(s) as many working days as there are Saturdays.

To this end, we remind you that the terms of public exposure of an advertisement can be extended in the states prior to its publication and also in the case that it has already been published.