Before you start editing and publishing ads you need to set up the e-TAULER. That is, it is necessary to define a series of preferences that will condition the use that will be made of the service, such as the terms of public exposure, the classification of advertisements, languages, notices of change of status, appearance, etc.

To access the configuration features of the e-TAULER, simply click on the link named Configuration , located at the bottom of the menu bar, on the left of the screen:

Access to the configuration options of the e-TAULER is an exclusive privilege of users with the Administrator role. If this role is not available, the link in question is not visible to the user. As for child entity administrators, they can only configure email alerts, but not other configuration options, which are exclusive to parent entity administrators.

1. General configuration

The first tab we find when accessing it is the General configuration.
The general configuration is divided into four sections:

1 General data
2 Programming
3 Email notices
4 Appearance

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